
Saturday, November 29, 2014

I believe

I believe 

I believe ,
that day would come ,
she would stand next to me ,
and we would walk alone

Silently she would walk ,
i won't know what to talk ,
she would slow her pace down ,
and we would walk to the town .
Then  would sing a song ,
and she would hmm along..
Just this way we would walk ,
without a single talk ,

On the way ,
I would buy her a rose,
accepting with a smile ,
she would keep it very close,
instead of red ,
it would be white,
as pure as her ,
with her smile so bright. 

Taking a deep breath ,
then i would say ,
I love from my heart,
will do it till my death ,
then she would feel shy ,
for the reason i know why.
Looking in my eye,
suddenly she would cry,
but i know she is happy ,
and they were tears of joy ,
Later she would smile ,
and embrace me for a while ,

Close together ,
then we would walk again ,
on her way back home ,
it would start to rain,
she would get soaked ,
and i would also drain,
walking like this ..
we would reach her home.. 
I believe i believe ,
that day would come . 



  1. Beautiful lines, Pavan. Emotions are superbly wonderful. Kudos :)

    1. Thank you Ravish . I'm glad you liked the poem :)
